Exercises to get rid of stomach gas in 5 minutes

Do you suffer from stomach gas? Are you looking for a quick way to get rid of bloating? Are you wondering if there are exercises to get rid of stomach gas ? Follow this article, dear reader, to learn about the most important effective exercises in treatment, in addition to the most important causes of gas occurrence.

Causes of stomach gas

Stomach gas can occur for a number of reasons, the most important of which is swallowing a lot of air while eating. It can occur due to:
-Eat some types of foods and vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.
-Drink soft drinks. 
-Eat and suck hard candy. 
-Chewing gum. 

Stomach gas can occur due to other reasons, which you can learn about in the article on the causes of persistent stomach gas

Exercises to get rid of stomach gas

Exercise can be an effective solution in treating and getting rid of gases. After exercise, you should feel much better. One of the most important exercises that may help in this matter is yoga exercises, some of which are: 

1- Gas relief mode 
It is one of the most popular yoga exercises used to relieve and get rid of gas pain. You can do the exercise by:

Lie on your back on a yoga mat. 
Slowly bring your left knee to your chest and holding your knee with both hands, pull the knee toward you. 
Hold this position for five seconds and then release your knee. 
Repeat the same steps with the right leg. 
Next, pull both legs to your chest and wrap your arms around them to pull them close to your body. This will help put pressure on your abdomen to release gas.

2- The child’s position 
The child's position is considered one of the best positions that help relieve gas, because it greatly helps in putting pressure on the abdominal area. You can practice the exercise by:
Kneeling on a yoga mat. 
Place your hands on the mat and slowly push down your butt to your heels. 
Place the tops of your hands flat on the mat and lower your forehead to the mat. You should feel a moderate stretch along your spine and slight pressure on your abdomen. 
Hold the position for 30 seconds.

3- Happy child pose 
This position can be done by:

Sleeping on a yoga mat. 
Bend the knees towards the chest. 
Place your hands between your legs, then grab your big toe with both hands. 
Slowly open your legs wide and lift them up. Both the head and back should be firmly planted on the floor.
Hold this position for 30 seconds.

4- The position of bending the knees and rotating 
This position relieves gases by improving digestion. You can do the exercise by:

Lie on your back, and bend your knees toward your chest. 
Extend the arms to the side of the body. Keep arms on the floor. 
Move the joined knees to the right while moving the chest and head to the left. 
Return to the original position and take a deep breath. 
Move the joined knees to the left while moving the head and chest in the opposite direction to the right.

5- Sitting and forward bending position 
This position can help get rid of gases quickly , and you can do it by:

Sitting on a yoga mat. 
Spread your legs out in front of you, and your legs should be together. 
Slowly raise your hands, the arms should be extended next to the head. 
Bend down slowly, until your fingertips touch. 
Hold this position for three minutes.

6- The position of the Sphinx 
You can do this position by:

Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat. 
Place your hands at your side. 
Lean on your hands and raise your upper body. 
Keep your legs and torso in a stable position. 
Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Other exercises 
You can do some other exercises in order to get rid of gases, and the most important exercises are:

Doing walking. 
Doing cardio exercises . 
Practice some other yoga exercises, such as the cat-cow pose and torso twists, as mentioned by the Healthline website.